Friday, December 27, 2019

India s Competitive Position Of India Essay - 2150 Words

1. Introduction The IT industry in India has two major components IT and ITeS. This includes hardware, networking, training, and domestic and international market for IT services and software. IT enabled Services-Business Process Outsourcing. The growth in the service sector in India has been led by the IT sector and it is contributing to increase in gross domestic product (GDP). The major cities of this sector s exports are Bangalore, Hyderabad, Chennai, Delhi, and Mumbai. The market size of the industry is expected to rise to US $ 225 billion by 2020 considering India’s competitive position. Today IT sector leads the economic growth in terms of GDP, employment, export promotion, revenue generation and standards of living. The Indian IT sector continues to face challenges of competitiveness in the globalized world, specifically from countries like China and Philippines. The cost of the skilled Indian workforce is low compared to the developed nations. This makes the Indian IT services highly cost efficient and this is also the reason as to why the IT enabled services like business process outsourcing and knowledge process outsourcing have expanded significantly in the Indian job market. India’s reputation both as a source and a destination for skilled workforce helped it improve its relations with a world economy. So it can be said that the growth of India’s IT industry has been instrumental in facilitating the economic progress of India. Role of IT Sector in India TheShow MoreRelatedEmerging Economies And Globalization Of India And China1396 Words   |  6 Pagesmarket position, resource availability, human capital, as well as financial gains and efficiencies. For General Electric Healthcare (GEH), the strategy was clear: â€Å" revolutionize the world’s health by improving the quality, access and affordability of care.â€Å" (GE Healthcare, n.d.) 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Dr. Martin Luther King Jr s Speech - 970 Words

What makes Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s speech so important till this day? It’s ability to still move people. Dr. King Jr. was one of the best speakers of his time during the Civil Rights Movement. He wrote many distinguished works, two of them being his I Have a Dream Speech and his letter, Letters from Birmingham. Letters from Birmingham Jail was written from jail after he was shortly arrested for attempting to share his views with clergymen on this racial injustice. Dr. King delivered his I Have a Dream Speech at a crucial Civil Rights rally across from the Washington Memorial. Both times he was trying to send the same message to the American people: Black Americans will no longer allow social injustices. In both works he employs figurative language and appeals. Accordingly, in Letters from Birmingham Jail, Dr. King addresses that the reason he is incarcerated in Birmingham is due to the fact that he was trying to put an end to segregation and finally put an end to t he social injustice going on. His tone was patient and rational. This letter was a response to the clergymen from Alabama who wanted racial segregation. He used this letter as an instrument of freedom, his own freedom from jail as well as freedom for the black Americans. As a black American Dr. King could relate to those suffering from the injustice. He was accused of abusing the law by hosting nonviolence protests in Birmingham; this was deemed as disobedient. He spoke for himself and the other blackShow MoreRelatedKing s Speech By Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.999 Words   |  4 Pages â€Å"I Have a Dream† one of the most popular speeches in history was written by Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., an African American preacher. He directs his speech to two main groups of people. The first group being those listening to the speech, and the second being those who are just around the area where he is delivering his speech. King’s speech is focusing on the civil rights of the African American citizens. He talks about how poorly the other people have treated them. He uses historical documentationRead MoreObservations On The s I Have A Dream Speech By Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.881 Words   |  4 Pageshappened 5 years ago, Martin Luther King, Jr. delivered his I Have a Dream Speech on the Washington Mall 47 years ago, and Mother Teresa was born a century ago. Monday: Katrina; Tuesday: I Have a Dream; Today: Mother Teresa After spending a great deal of time on and devoting a good deal of space to the two previous subjects in this series on recent anniversaries, 2005 s devastating Hurricane Katrina and the world-changing 1963 I Have a Dream speech by Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., I had looked forwardRead MoreAnalysis of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s I Have A Dream Speech619 Words   |  3 Pages28, 1963, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered one of the most famous speeches of all time to an audience of more than 200,000 civil rights supporters on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. In his, â€Å"I have a dream† speech, King addressed his encouragement of white and black people working together to achieve racial peace and harmony. He especially wanted to teach the young blacks that equality could be gained through the use of non-violence. The main reason King used nonviolenceRead Moreâ€Å"a Comparison of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’S ‘I Have a Dream’ Speech and ‘Letter from a Birmingham Jail’†.1444 Words   |  6 Pagesâ€Å"A Comparison of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s ‘I Have a Dream’ speech and ‘Letter from a Birmingham Jail’†. 9% Similarity Born in Atlanta Georgia in 1929, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., conceivably lived as one of the greatest social and religious leaders in a country where a group of its citizens had to endure excruciating conditions of disenfranchisement, inferiority and degradation of a second class citizenship by reasons of race, color or origin. In effort to condemn allRead MoreRhetorical Analysis of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.s I Have A Dream Speech915 Words   |  4 Pages Dr. Martin Luther King delivered his I Have a Dream speech to the thousands of African Americans who had marched on Washington, D.C. at the height of the Civil Rights Movement. The date of the speech was August 28, 1963, but it is one that will live for generations. Of course his purpose was to convince his audience on several fronts: he sought to persuade the black community to stand up for the rights afforded them under the Constitution, and he also sought to Read MoreAnalysis Of Martin Luther King Jr s I Have A Dream Speech1480 Words   |  6 PagesMovement, Martin Luther King Jr s I Have A Dream speech was broadcasted across the nation and heard by millions of Americans on August 28, 1963. Throughout the decades, many have promoted the importance of racial equality in America. Leaders such as William J. Clinton, Barack Obama, and George W. Bush have contributed to modern social movements by, doing as Dr. King himself, giving speeches to varying audiences concerning the issue of racial inequality. Above all, Martin Luther King Jr made the strongestRead MoreMartin Luther King Jr Essay1299 Words   |  6 PagesWhy was Martin Luther King Jr. such an inspiration to African Americans in America? Martin Luther King Jr. was an American minister, Civil Rights leader, and activist who had a strong belief in nonviolent protests (; Martin Luther King Jr.). He was the leader behind the Montgomery Bus Boycott and the March on Washington which were eventually effective and a law was passed to end racial discrimination (; Martin Luther King Jr.). On December 1, 1955, Rosa Parks was arrested forRead MorePurpose of Education Essay669 Words   |  3 PagesSynthesis Essay: The Purpose of Education Everyday we go to school to receive our education, but what is the purpose of education? Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s speech, â€Å"The Purpose of Education† and Frank O’Connor’s short story, â€Å"Christmas Morning,† both discuss what is the purpose of education. The purpose of education is to acknowledge not only one’s intelligence, but also one’s character, provide one with the ability to make decisions and achieve their goals. One of the purposes of educationRead MoreI Have A Dream Speech Analysis847 Words   |  4 Pagesfights for her country. In the speech I Have a Dream, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was influencing people to go and protest to get their rights and in the speech A Eulogy for Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., Robert F. Kennedy influences people to change and do as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. The last two people were speaking to influence people. They made a change, they did something and hope something will change. First, the speech I Have a Dream By Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. He is a famous black rightsRead MoreEssay on The Life of Martin Luther King Jr.1244 Words   |  5 Pagesworld. Martin Luther King, Jr. was born to Alberta and Martin Luther King. Alberta Williams King was born September 13, 1904 in Atlanta, Georgia. Martin Luther King, Sr. was born December 19, 1899 in Stockbridge, Georgia. Martins dad was a pastor at the Ebenezer Baptist Church in Atlanta, Georgia. His mother was a school teacher. His siblings were Christine King Farris born September 11, 1927, and Alfred Daniel Williams King born July 30, 1930. Martin was the middle child. Martin Luther King

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Dante On Islam Essay Example For Students

Dante On Islam Essay Divine Retribution ( in Italian contrapasso) is clearly shown in canto 28 byshowing the punishment of the sowers of schism and scandal in the 9th bolgia ofcircle 8. To begin this canto, Dante talks of the many wars in Puglia(southeastern Italy) and across the peninsula which have been known as thebloodiest. He does this to show that this 9th bolgia is far bloodier than these,and beyond description. Those in this bolgia are punished by having to walk atrack where they are cut open and slashed, but their wounds heal only to be cutagain. The father of the worldwide religion of Islam, Mahomet, is placed here,along with his follower, Ali. To illustrate the severity of the punishments towhich these people are under, Dante uses the idea of blood and bones withdecaying flesh. He states that the extent is incomprehensible, and cannot becaptured by words, yet he says that if the bones and blood of the many wars thathave plagued the peninsula of Italy could be piled up, they would not compare t othe sight of the 9th bolgia. The punishment is extremely grotesque and demeaningas shown by the description of Mahomet as being ripped open from his chin towhere we fart. Between his legs his guts spilled out, with the heart and othervital parts, and the dirty sack that turns to *censored* whatever the mouthgulps down. The disgust that accompanies this description must be intendedand it is no coincidence that is the father of the nation of Islam. With Mahometand Ali are others which can be classified as being sowers of scandal as opposedto schism in the religious sense. They are the causes of wars, troubles, andmany persons discord and death. Some have their throats slits, others cutbeyond recognition, and others have their arms chopped off. Bertran de Born, whocounciled the young prince Henry to revolt against his father, King Henry II ofEngland, is among those. With the young princes death, brought about theimprisonment of Bertran. He states that since his head is the home of his evilthoughts, and with his plan unfoiled, the decapitation of his head is fittingfor the perfect contrapasso. So he walks with his head in his handswinging by his hair as if it were a lantern (again the notion of his head beingthe encasement of light and ideas). In a whole, the implications of classifyingMahomet and Ali in the this 9th bolgia lead one to think that Dante was making aconclusion on the entire religion itself. To say the least it is devastating andvery narrow minded, but more importantly it shows the extent of disrespect shownby Dante on two levels: the fact that Mahomet and Ali are place so low in helland are punished in such a disgusting place and manner; and that they areaccompanied by such persons as those who are responsible for creating strife. This implies that they too can be classified as those who are instigators, whichis patronizing for those who believe them to be prophets (Muslims do greatlyoutnumber Catholics). Therefor, in the sense of contrapasso, this placement ofthese religious leaders would be unjust, for, this is a worldwide religion, andno one on earth can state that they are sure of the true religion. Themore intelligent response would be that all religions must be respected, and notdeemed frivolous or un-important. I say this not to directly criticize Dantesolely, yet the idea of religious prejudice, which was still widely practiced byCatholics less that 50 years ago, and is still today. It is not just byCatholics, and no one is innocent. It is the incessant notion of religioussupremacy that has come to be believed by so many,who will not accept the ideaof the validity of other religions. It is the idea of conformity that yieldsprejudice. .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e , .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e .postImageUrl , .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e , .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e:hover , .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e:visited , .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e:active { border:0!important; } .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e:active , .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .uef513e2ce2ad7f9c8211db4ad5ea945e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Teenage Pregnancy EssayBibliographyDantes Inferno, Canticle (Book) 1 of his Divine Comedy

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Tennis †a great sport Essay Example For Students

Tennis – a great sport Essay In today’s westernized universe. people struggle to happen the clip and energy for exerting. Let’s face it. exercising is a retarding force. Geting dressed. a speedy bite. the thrust to the gym. Walking through the forepart door holding to speak to every 2nd individual. When you get on the treadmill. you’re already exhausted. and that’s merely the beginning. It is the most deadening portion of your twenty-four hours. Gazing at the meaningless digits on the screen. traveling nowhere. listening to awful music. How can one be expected to make this merely to be healthy? But. what if exercising was merriment. good to your wellness. allowed you to run into people and turn as a individual? The merely reply to this is tennis. Yes. T-E-N-N-I-S! Tennis is the best athletics for all people to play. no affair age. gender. degree. fittingness. It has great. changing wellness and physical benefits. provides mental and emotional preparation and has many chances for peopl e. The wellness benefits associated with playing tennis are eternal. doing it the ideal athletics to keep fittingness and cut down wellness issues. We will write a custom essay on Tennis – a great sport specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now First. tennis greatly improves your aerophilic capacity. invariably running to trail balls down. retrieving the centre and holding to digest the whole session. Anaerobic fittingness is besides developed through short explosions of motion followed by a remainder which aids musculuss in the efficient usage of O. Bone strength and denseness is besides improved. along with overall conditioning. This helps to forestall osteoporosis and construct a stronger immune system. Harmonizing to a survey of 20. 000 people over the continuance of 10 old ages. the USTA ( United states Tennis Association ) concluded that tennis participants who participated in tennis for 3 hours a hebdomad. cut their hazard of decease from wellness issues by 50 % . Along with these long term benefits. tennis will immediately better one’s flexibleness. legerity and hand-eye coordination. Equally good as being great for your wellness. tennis has unmatched psychological benefits that can merely be obtained through playing. Regular and consistent preparation builds a good work ethic and subject by reenforcing the value of difficult work. Playing lucifers provides you with the chance to pull off errors. learning you that minimising errors in life is of import. Accepting duty goes manus in manus with error direction. Out on the tribunal. merely you can fix adequately for competition and your consequences straight reflect your subject and work ethic. Last of all. and arguably the most of import. tennis Teachs you connect with others in all environments and have fun while playing. It increase’s your enthusiasm. optimism and assurance. Harmonizing to Dr Joan Fin of the Southern Connecticut State University. tennis player’s â€Å"scored higher in energy. optimism and self-pride while hiting lower in depression. choler. confusion. anxiousness and tenseness than other jocks and non-athletes† . The chances with tennis are eternal. Everyone’s tennis journey begins at different times and phases of their life. Some. at the stamp age of four or five old ages old. others subsequently into their maturity. However. no affair how long you have been involved in tennis. there are chances and avenues for you to take to foster your enjoyment. engagement with tennis and personal satisfaction. Participants have to option to play socially. a few times a hebdomad with friends to remain fit and healthy and connect with others. They can play competitively around their local part which provides them with a end to work towards in fostering their tennis ability. This provides them with a stepping rock to national and international degree tennis and playing tennis professionally. Playing professional tennis is an exciting chance. being able to go the universe while prosecuting your dreams. Coaching is besides an option for participants who can utilize their cognition and accomplishments to develop their participants. Tennis is unlike any other athletics. The chances do non discontinue for age. gender or skill degree In decision. play tennis! As aforesaid. it increases your wellness and well-being by working assorted parts of your organic structure. provides mental and emotional growing and has many chances to prosecute. The most of import thing that it provides nevertheless is great enjoyment. So pick up a racket and travel for a hit. You won’t repent it. .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281 , .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281 .postImageUrl , .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281 .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281 , .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281:hover , .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281:visited , .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281:active { border:0!important; } .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281 .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281 { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281:active , .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281 .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative; } .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281 .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281 .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281 .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281 .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left: 18px; top: 0; } .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281 .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u561493c14801593a899f255a4f60d281:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Starbucks Downsizing and Global Growth Strategy Essay

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Il Postino General Vision and Viewpoint Essay Example

Il Postino General Vision and Viewpoint Essay Postino stands out in contrast to both the previous texts as its vision is quite optimistic. Mario is able to rise above the limitations of his world to realise his potential and become happy. The film does begin in a gloomy manner as Mario struggles to communicate with his withdrawn father – their relationship is strained. When Mario shows his father a postcard from America, his father tells him to get a job – he is ‘not a child anymore. ’ Mario’s father earns a meagre living as a fisherman, similar to the Mundy’s house, his home is sparsely furnished and they have just run out of water.Family life here resembles Lughnasa more than Lies of Silence. The relationship between the two men is problematic while Mario is living at home but it noticeably improves when the son marries the love of his life, Beatrice. We are presented with an uplifting image of joy when she becomes pregnant and Mario listens to the sound of his baby’s beating hea rt. Contrasting sharply to Lies of Silence, the relationships in Il Postino are very positive – the most important being between mario and Pablo Neruda, the Chilean poet and communist living in exile in Capri.They grow closer when Mario asks the poet to help him win the heart of Beatrice (Neruda had a reputation as a ladies’ man). Mario wins Beatrice’s love by reciting lines from Pablo’s poems. Mario remarks that ‘poetry doesn’t belong to those who write it, but to those who need it’ revealing a deep understanding of poetry. This sparks his interest in poetry and Mario discusses this art with his new friend in Neruda’s home and on the beach, beginning with a discussion on metaphors (being able to relate to ‘I am tired of being a man’).Mario expresses gratitude to Neruda by asking him to be his best man but he is also interested in Neruda’s communist philosophy (aware of social injustice). Mario grows in confi dence through this relationship: the new, assertive Mario takes issue with members of a local politician’s posse who are trying to buy fish at a knock-down price (unfortunately the fishermen become visibly angry at his intervention). Mario also challenges the cynical politician Di Cosimo when he announced that the water works (before the elections he had promised would be built) would not be built.Mario is sad when Neruda leaves the island and is dejected when Pablo fails to keep in contact with him but we can see the impact that the poet left on him as Mario begins to write his own poetry. He is invited to read a poem that he dedicated to Neruda at a communist rally on the mainland and we can see the personal development and change he has gone through as he addresses such a large crowd. Mario’s other relationships are also positive: he achieves happiness when he marries Beatrice, who loves him deeply and is impressed with his poetic achievements.Both his father and Ro sa (Beatrice’s aunt) come to respect him as a man. The relationship between Mario and Giorgio the Postmaster is also uplifting. These friendships help Mario following Neruda’s failure to stay in touch – this support network is similar to the family unit in Dancing at Lughnasa. The Society of the text is similar to the other two texts – depressing. It is a world of poverty and hopelessness, the differences in wealth is obvious; seen in the sophisticated Pablo and the cynical Di Cosimo. Once again we are met with a patriarchal society – authority figures are male.Mario’s death may suggest that the film ends on a gloomy note – it is tragic and random but it does not take away from the optimism that his life created. Il Postino differs from the other two texts (where the harsh circumstances crushed the main characters) as Mario was able to rise above the problems of his world to realise his own potential and be truly happy with his love. The painful reality of life reverberates in the ending but we can also see a sense of realism as Neruda fails to keep in touch with Mario and the fact that Mario never saw his son (Pablito – named after his friend).Naturally Beatrice is angry at her circumstances when Neruda and his wife return after a five-year absence. One of the final images of the film is of Neruda alone on the beach evoking a sense of loss for an inspiring life that fills one with hope. Il Postino’s viewpoint is much more optimistic Lies of Silence Il Postino open in a gloomy manner – Lughnasa begins in nostalgia Lughnasa Il Postino portrays a positive family life Relationships are also positive in Lughnasa Il Postino

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Commedia dellArte essays

Commedia dellArte essays Drama, Commedia dellArte Assignment. Commedia dellArte, the known name for a group of professional actors who would travel together around Europe. These professional actors helped nurture and grow some of the worlds most commonly used acting styles and ideas. They defined and set the standard of skills that an actor needs to develope and use in drama. They also created succesful character personalitys, that are still used in the world of theatre in todays modern world. If it were not for these actors the standard of theatre couldve never reached the level of what it is today. The actors would travel the countryside and visit towns and perform I the Village Square. Often the play would be about political issues or problems that were currently happening in the village at that present time. But the usual topic is that of the two lovers, not being able to marry, in an epic tale of jealousy or pride, similar to that of William Shakespeares Romeo and Juliet. These Lovers were played by younger people, who did not were masks like the other characters. These masks symbolised a certain character, and their personality traits. This was used to help the audience maybe gain knowledge of what is happening and understand the story better, by the way one character might seem vein and self indulgent because of his stride and speech. Which would work with his large nose to show that he is not what he thinks he is, but still sees himself above the common person. Commedia dellArte, is seen as possibly being one of the most successful types of theatre that has been put together, with the right number of characters with the right amount of range in their personalitys to cook up many multiple performances of which to entertain people. Many performing artists similar to that of Commedia dellArte, have shown their similarities and skill in using character traits and personalitys to crea ...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Toyota Airbag Defect Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Toyota Airbag Defect Analysis - Essay Example This latter phase comes on the backdrop of failures in denials. As a result, the firm takes to apology, compensation and repentance to retain client loyalty (Cornelissen and Erving, 2006). In this analysis, the various communication strategies used by the firm, in relation to the case under review, are looked into. Like other firms, it is often quite difficult to accept various claims that could negatively impact on the sustainability of the business operations of the firm under specific scenarios. In fact, some claims can easily be used by competitor firms to derail business operations of the rival firm. In this case, the denial strategy employed by the Toyota firm in refuting claims of defects in its systems clearly comes out (Toyota, 2014). This denial comes on the back of an analysis by the Safety Research Strategies Inc. (2014), which has successfully linked the systemic defects to 4 fatalities and 139 injuries. The various reasons behind such denials are further analyzed. Following denials and persistent occurrences of the same problem with the systems, firms often come back to give clarifications to their clients in a bid to maintain their loyalty and confidence in the firm’s services (Toyota, 2013). This low level of responsibility is seen in attempts by Toyota to clarify the nature of the defect, and the various models affected in their press release; dated April 11th, 2013. At this stage, the firm offers to recall and rectify the problem. At a higher level of responsibility, the firm, notably in its June 11th 2014 press release, further looks into freely replacing all affected airbags, and ensuring that such defects are not seen again. This final move is seen as a rectification strategy (Toyota, 2014). Through critical analysis, several economic and corporate theories are found to be applicable to the Toyota case. Notably, the positive accounting theory is applicable in